Author: ivan

II. Compliance Program Elements E. Developing Effective Lines of Communication

1. Access to Supervisors and/or the Compliance Officer In order for a compliance program to work, employees must be able to ask questions and report...

II. Compliance Program Elements D. Conducting Effective Training and Education

The proper education and training of officers, directors, employees, contractors, and agents, and periodic retraining of personnel at all levels are critical elements of an...

II. Compliance Program Elements C. Designation of a Compliance Officer and a Compliance Committee

1. Compliance Officer Every pharmaceutical manufacturer should designate a compliance officer to serve as the focal point for compliance activities.12 This responsibility may be the individual’s...

II. Compliance Program Elements B. Written Policies and Procedures (Page 1)

In developing a compliance program, every pharmaceutical manufacturer should develop and distribute written compliance standards, procedures, and practices that guide the company and the conduct...

II. Compliance Program Elements A. The Basic Compliance Elements

The OIG believes that every effective compliance program must begin with a formal commitment by the pharmaceutical manufacturer’s board of directors or other governing body....

OIG Compliance Program Guidance for Ambulance Suppliers

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Office of Inspector General OIG Compliance Program Guidance for Ambulance Suppliers AGENCY: Office of Inspector General (OIG), HHS. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: This...

Medicaid Rebates For Physician-Administered Drugs

Office of Inspector General The mission of the Office of Inspector General (OIG), as mandated by Public Law 95-452, as amended, is to protect the...

OIG Guidance and Reports

Nolan Auerbach & White’s healthcare fraud whistleblower attorneys provide experienced representation under the qui tam provisions of the False Claims Act. Our qui tam attorneys...

Medicare Fraud Laws

Title XI of the Social Security Act includes Medicare and Medicaid program-related anti-fraud laws, which not only punish violators with civil and criminal penalties, but...

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