Author: ivan

I. Introduction

Compliance Program Guidance for Ambulance Suppliers The OIG recognizes that the ambulance industry is comprised of entities of enormous variation: some ambulance companies are large,...


Rebates for physician-administered drugs help States reduce prescription drug expenditures, which are rising at a time when State budgets are severely stressed. Federal and State...


OBJECTIVES (1) To determine whether all State Medicaid agencies collect drug manufacturer rebates for all physician-administered drugs. (2) To estimate the potential savings that would...


Of the 17 States that collected physician-administered drugs in 2001, 3 States collected rebates on all such drugs, and 14 collected rebates on single-source drugs...


Table 1. Summary of 2001 State Medicaid Data for Physician-Administered Drugs This table incorporates the States’ responses to our information request. From January through March...


This report was prepared under the direction of Robert A. Vito, Regional Inspector General for Evaluation and Inspections in the Philadelphia Regional Office, and Linda...


OBJECTIVES (1) To determine whether all State Medicaid agencies collect drug manufacturer rebates for all physician-administered drugs. (2) To estimate the potential savings that would...


Under the Medicaid Drug Rebate Program, manufacturers are required to provide rebates on drugs paid for by a State. To receive rebates, States must identify...


1 The OIG1 has issued compliance program guidances for the following seven industry sectors: hospitals, clinical laboratories, home health agencies, durable medical equipment suppliers, third-party medical...

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